Foods that support male fertility
- What causes infertility in men?
- How to support male fertility with the right diet?
- How to increase sperm quality?
Many couples want to start their own family and parenthood, but many are failing. Infertility has become an increasing problem in Europe in recent years. Poor lifestyle, stress, lack of exercise or increasing age of expectant parents are to blame. In many couples, infertility is caused by the quality or lack of sperm in a man. If the couple does not manage to conceive after a year of unprotected sexual intercourse, the possibility of assisted reproduction is offered at one of many IVF clinics. However, fertility in both men and women can be supported in many other ways, and one of them is the adjustment of diet and lifestyle in general. What foods can affect male fertility and what other ways can it be supported?
What causes infertility in men?
Infertility in men has many causes and most of them are related to the modern way of life. According to expert statistics, male fertility has fallen by as much as 60% in the last decade. Infertility is caused by excessive stress, lack of exercise, alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking and also an unhealthy diet high in sugar, fat and white flour. In addition, male fertility is also affected by pathogens that are present in our daily lives - drugstore goods, clothing and especially ubiquitous plastics. Surprisingly, one of the culprits is soy, which many people prefer as a substitute for meat and dairy products. According to some experts, it contains substances that can damage sperm.
Men who try to conceive with their partner and do not succeed should avoid a number of things. Restrictions on nicotine, alcohol and possibly other addictive substances should be a matter of course. Sperm quality is also affected by temperature in the genital area. Doctors do not recommend wearing tight clothing, especially underwear, tight pants or cycling jerseys. Frequent saunas, computer work on your lap, long bike rides or the use of heated car seats can also have a negative effect on sperm.
Another important factor is age, because the number of sperm, their quality and properties change over time. If a couple is planning a child, doctors recommend not to wait for anything and ideally plan this between twenty and twenty-five years of age. If the couple does not get pregnant naturally within one year, it pays to go to an assisted reproduction clinic. Male fertility is determined by examining the quality, quantity and motility of sperm, with a spermiogram (sperm count). Thanks to this, it is possible to determine the causes of infertility and treat it.
How to support male fertility with the right diet?
If the couple is unable to conceive and the spermiogram (sperm count) shows that there may be a problem on behalf of the man, doctors usually recommend adjusting their diet and lifestyle to begin with. Men should eliminate sweet and fizzy drinks, energy drinks, fast food, alcohol and cigarettes at this stage. Their diet should consist mainly of fresh foods and chemically modified foods should be eliminated. Foods that contain folic acid, healthy fats and vitamins (especially D and B) are suitable for sperm production.
Folic acid, for example, can be found in broccoli, salads, cauliflower, pumpkin, beets or tomatoes. Vitamin D and B are best obtained naturally from seafood and fruit, oatmeal, eggs and dairy products. Healthy fats, which are in fatty cheeses, butter, nuts or avocados, are also essential. All of these foods support the production of testosterone, which is very important for quality sperm.
Vitamins, minerals and trace elements can be obtained mainly from fresh foods. If necessary, it is also possible to turn to fertility-promoting supplements. These are mainly preparations that contain zinc, calcium, selenium, folic acid and vitamins A, B, C, D and E. These are usually sold in tablets that are easy and practical to use and have a positive effect on metabolic processes in the formation of sperm. Another option is herbal mixtures and teas. In this case, it pays to rely on organic versions and look for herbs such as anchor weed or Peruvian watercress.
How to increase sperm quality?
In addition to a well-chosen diet, a sufficient supply of vitamins and minerals and lifestyle adjustments, there are other tips and tricks on how to support male fertility. Recent medical studies show that an active sex life is also important. In the past, fertile days in women and mild sexual abstinence in men were addressed. However, experts now agree that sperm quality and motility in men declines after only a few days of abstinence. On the contrary, regular sex supports the production of new sperm and thus their condition.
Many men only become interested in their fertility when they are trying to conceive with their partner. But if they start to address their lifestyle only at this time, the attempt to have a baby can take significantly longer. According to experts, sperm takes about three months to form and mature. Therefore, it pays to pay attention to diet and the right choice of foods much earlier.