January 2021

4 causes of infertility in women and their solutions

Age has the greatest impact on female infertility. The ideal time to conceive is up to the age of 25, after which the number of eggs begins to decrease significantly, and their quality also deteriorates. However, increasing age is not the only cause of infertility in women. Appendicitis, obesity, hormonal imbalances or various pathological phenomena may also be to blame. What are the causes of infertility in women and how can they be addressed?

1. Appendicitis operation

Appendicitis surgery is one of the few surgical procedures that can cause female infertility. This is in contrast to, for example, abortion, the negative effect of which on conception is, in the vast majority of cases, a myth. The greatest risk of infertility is if the operation is performed on women in childhood or adolescence. Large-scale postoperative adhesions in a girl's pelvis often cause complications and can lead to closure of the fallopian tubes. If a woman is unable to conceive after such a procedure, she should inform her gynaecologist, say doctors from Gynekologie and IVF Gynem. The gynaecologist can then examine the ovaries to check that they are not blocked. In this case, IVF is often the only hope of conception.

2. Polycystic ovaries  

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common causes of female infertility. With this condition, there are too many follicles (bags of fluid that protect the immature egg) in the ovaries. The large number of follicles prevents the body from naturally selecting the strongest egg, preventing its release. Polycystic ovary syndrome is caused by hormonal imbalance. It is often nicknamed the killer or the silent thief of womanhood because it is very often accompanied by acne, excess weight and irregular menstruation. The syndrome can be treated with hormonal therapy and weight loss. If these measures don’t help, it's worth visiting an assisted reproduction centre.




3. Fibroids

Uterine fibroids are benign tumours and one of the common factors that reduces not only the chance of conceiving, but also of delivering, a child. Fibroids cause enlargement of the uterus and the creation of atypical forms that affect the proper functioning of the uterine lining. The biggest problem are poor conditions for the attachment of the embryo and the subsequent retention of the embryo in the uterus. It is fibroids that often cause miscarriages or premature births. According to doctors from the Gynem assisted reproduction centre, fibroids can usually be surgically removed, resolving problems with conception.

4. Endometriosis.

Endiometriosis is a disease in which uterus lining is formed is not only within the uterus, but also outside it. This condition then causes frequent inflammations, which can reduce the chances of conceiving. The biggest problem occurs when the mucosa affects the fallopian tubes. These can then close completely due to inflammation. In the ovarian area the mucosa causes cysts, which, like fibroids, cause changes in the uterus. Endometriosis can be treated with surgery or medication. However, the drugs used induce a condition similar to menopause or pregnancy, which prevent the treatment of infertility or IVF.

Excess weight or obesity is an important factor that has a negative effect on treatment of all these conditions and causes of infertility in women.

The best way to identify infertility in women is to undergo a careful gynaecological examination. If you have problems with conception, or any other doubts, arrange a professional consultation with doctors at Gynekologie and IVF Gynem.





*This article is translated from Czech original to English language by translation agency Marvel, s. r. o.