April 2020

5 common misconceptions about the inability to fall pregnant

Sex only during ovulation or daily? Smoking and alcohol? How do these and other factors affect the chances of getting pregnant? Let's take a look at the 5 common fertility misconceptions.

1) How do you know if you are truly ovulating?

The menstrual cycle of each woman is very individual. It takes approximately 28 days and women ovulate around day 14, but that does not mean that it applies to you. Each cycle is different, one is shorter, the other is longer. It is necessary to listen to and observe the body, changes during the cycle and maybe try an ovulation test.

2) Sex only during ovulation

You have determined the day you ovulate and focus only on that day when you are most likely to conceive. This can lead to psychological pressure and also cause tension between partners. The fertile window is actually about six days - four days leading up to ovulation, day of ovulation, and the following day. Of these, it is most likely to become pregnant within two to three days before ovulation and the day of ovulation itself. Thus there are a number of days in which one can become pregnant, so there is no need for stress and confusion.

3) Sex every day

Believe it or not, too much sex can reduce your partner's sperm count, and it can take a few days to recover. Experts recommend having sex every other day during your fertile period.

Why you cant get pregnant?

4) You think it's your “fault"

Many women see fertility issues as their problem, but it is scientifically proven that up to 40% of cases are related to male infertility. They are very balanced numbers. If you have not conceived after a year of trying and you are under 35 years old, it would be worthwhile  to visit a specialist. Sperm analysis can be conducted to determine if any potential problems regarding fertility .

5) Unhealthy habits

When you become pregnant, it is a given that smoking, drinking alcohol and using illicit substances are taboo. A healthy and sustainable lifestyle, prior to trying to conceive greatly affects your chances of fertility. Try to focus on healthy and quality foods, exercise and physical exercise, eliminate stress and reduce caffeine, advises Roger Lobo, MD, FACOG, OBGYN at Columbia University Medical Center and President of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.

