May 2020

5 things you should know before going to the IVF clinic for the first time

Have you been trying to get a baby for some time and are still failing? Some friends advise you not to think about it, others tell you to start discussing with experts. But when is the right time to go to he reproductive clinic? And what if everything is normal with you and only nature takes time? We have prepared key questions for you to answer first and then consider whether it is time to pick up the handset and book your first visit to the IVF clinic.

How long have you been trying to conceive?

If a woman has not yet reached the age of 35, she should take the time to naturally conceive with her partner at the 1-year horizon. However, if the woman is more than 35 years old, this interval is, according to expert advice, shortened to half a year and then it is advisable to seek professional help.

Have you consulted your gynecologist about your efforts for a child?

It is appropriate to inform your attending gynecologist about your efforts for a child. He can help with any problems with the menstrual cycle or make an initial examination and recommend a visit to the IVF center. However, if you do not trust your attending gynecologist or do not want to wait any longer, you can book a reproduction clinic yourself. You do not need any recommendation from an existing gynecologist to visit the clinic.


How does your lifestyle look like?

Lifestyle also affects chances to conceive. You may understand that stress, whether working or personal, is not good for you. But when you are planning a pregnancy, you can do much more than avoid excessive stress when it comes and prepare your body for the baby.

You won't be surprised that men and women need to be careful about alcohol consumption if they want to increase their chances of getting pregnant. In men, greater amounts of alcohol can reduce testosterone production, cause impotence, and reduce sperm. In women, excessive alcohol consumption can lead to certain disorders of ovulation and this affects their ability to conceive.

Even excessive amounts of caffeine can play a role in infertility, which is about 500 mg per day - equivalent to about 5 cups of coffee per day. To increase your chances of getting pregnant, follow the recommended caffeine limit of about 200-250 milligrams per day.

We all know that smoking is bad for our health in general, but did you know that it can also affect your ability to conceive? Smoking in men can reduce sperm production and cause DNA damage. Smoking in women reduces the function of the fallopian tubes and hence the percentage of chances of getting pregnant. You should stop smoking about 3 months before getting pregnant.

Most expectant mothers would like a "perfect figure". However, what is ideal for you may not be ideal for your fertility. Weight can affect hormonal regulation and ovulation. Therefore, it is certainly good to do sports, but again on the other hand, do not overexercise or weight loss.

Does your affliction with no-coming pregnancy affect your daily life?

It is said that pregnancy problems are often in the head. The couple still think about it and are worried about the situation. Sometimes the vision that experts can solve the "problem" can help. The couple is mentally calm and positive thinking. The vision and hope that I can put myself in the hands of where they do their job best and have proven results is definitely worth a consultation at the CAR clinic.

Have no problem getting pregnant, but keep the baby?

If you have already become pregnant, but unfortunately you have an abortion or a so-called silent pregnancy, it is definitely advisable to contact an IVF clinic specialist as soon as possible to find out whether you have a medical predisposition to premature baby and in that case solve the problem.