March 2024

EmbryoScope: A Revolutionary Technology in IVF and Fertility

EmbryoScope is a groundbreaking technology that has significantly advanced the field of reproductive medicine.  This state-of-the-art incubator, equipped with time-lapse technology, allows for the uninterrupted observation of  embryos in real time.


What is EmbryoScope? 

EmbryoScope is an innovative incubator that incorporates time-lapse technology. Inside the incubator, a camera  captures images of the embryos every 10 minutes, providing a video of the embryonic development. (Source:  Ankur Health Care) This novel incubation technology enables embryo changes to be observed, which would go  unnoticed in a conventional incubator. Therefore, EmbryoScope offers more information, which is a significant  advantage in embryo selection. 


How Does EmbryoScope Work? 

The EmbryoScope takes regular photographs of the developing embryos in a highly controlled environment. These  images are then compiled into a time-lapse video, allowing embryologists to monitor each embryo's development  in detail. This continuous monitoring provides valuable information about the embryo's development, which can  help select the most viable embryos for transfer. 




Benefits of EmbryoScope 

The EmbryoScope incubator revolutionizes assisted reproduction by incorporating a camera that automatically  takes images every 10-15 minutes. Conventional incubators do not have a camera, so they must be removed from  the incubator to observe the embryos. This type of incubator allows evaluations to be carried out at specific times,  missing what happens between one observation and the next. (Source: inviTRA) 


With EmbryoScope, embryologists are able to monitor your embryos throughout the full course of their  development – without having to remove them from the safe environment of the incubator. This leads to several  key benefits: 

1. Undisturbed Environment: The EmbryoScope provides a stable embryo culture environment. This means  that the embryos can develop without the need to be manipulated and taken outside for observation. 

2. Improved Embryo Evaluation: The EmbryoScope time-lapse systems have a built-in microscope and  camera in the incubators, which take pictures of the embryos every 10 minutes. As a result, time-lapse  videos of individual embryos are generated over the full culture period. Your embryologist uses advanced  software to review your embryos' time-lapse videos and select the best ones for transfer and freezing. 

3. Advanced Software Support: Images from the EmbryoScope+ time-lapse systems are examined by  embryologists using advanced software tools. Algorithms that have been developed by examining  outcomes from thousands of IVF cycles help embryologists rank embryos according to the likelihood of  implantation. (Source: Vitrolife)  


Who Needs EmbryoScope? 

EmbryoScope particularly benefits couples undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) or egg donation treatments. It  allows biologists and future parents to observe the first hours of the coming baby's life.


Limitations of EmbryoScope 

Despite its numerous benefits, it's important to note that the EmbryoScope, like all medical procedures, has  limitations. While it provides a wealth of information and aids in selecting the healthiest embryos, it does not  guarantee a successful pregnancy. It should be considered as part of a comprehensive approach to fertility  treatment. 

The EmbryoScope is a powerful tool in the field of reproductive medicine, offering hope to couples struggling with  infertility. Providing a stable and undisturbed environment for embryo development and enabling improved  embryo evaluation significantly enhances the chances of a successful pregnancy.  




Ankur Health Care - EMBRYOSCOPE - Ankur Health Care, Bangalore (

inviTRA - What Is EmbryoScope? - Use in IVF (

Vitrolife - EmbryoScope time-lapse system - Vitrolife