September 2020

Obesity and its impact on pregnancy

Obesity is one of the most common diseases amongst the population today. It occurs due to consumption of excessive quantities poor-quality food, lack of exercise, and unhealthy habits. Among other things, it also has a highly negative impact on both conception and pregnancy itself.

What does obesity mean?

It should be stated clearly what the term obesity actually means. A certain amount of fat is very important for the proper functioning of hormones in the female body. Obesity can be described as the long-term intake of more energy (caloric intake) than is expended (caloric expenditure), in combination with other factors such as lack of exercise, genetic predisposition, metabolic disorders, or the use of certain drugs. If these factors are overlooked for an extended period of time, there is a constant increase in weight and subcutaneous fat, which begins to settle in the body. Then there is a second type of fat, which, although not visible because it is stored between the organs, represents a greater risk for this reason. This is known as visceral fat and threatens human bodily organs and their functioning.

BMI index

The body mass index is an indicator of body weight, which, with the help of data such as weight, height and age, shows what stage of weight a person is at. There are many online calculators on the Internet for the calculation of BMI. However, it is important to know that this is not a figure that people should be guided by one hundred percent. The BMI calculator does not calculate the ratio of muscles, fat and water in the body. However, it can serve as a stepping stone and a point of reference. In any case, in general, women with a higher BMI (mild obesity and obesity) tend to have a problem with conceiving and, in the case of pregnancy itself, increased weight is associated with significant risks.


And what are the risks?

The first risk associated with obesity may be, first and foremost, the problem of conceiving. Unwanted substances that form adipose tissue reach the ovaries and damage the eggs. Other risks occur during pregnancy, when, due to the high weight of the mother, there is a risk that the baby will be born with a congenital defect, such as deformity of the limbs, anomalies in the digestive system, or a heart defect. The woman herself is also at risk during pregnancy. She may develop health complications such as high blood pressure, gestational diabetes or vascular disease (thrombosis). Childbirth itself is much more difficult for obese women.


Pregnancy alone is not suitable for weight reduction. During pregnancy, weight reduction can be more of a stress factor. If you have problems with obesity and plans to become pregnant, you should address this beforehand. Don’t embark on drastic diets, but slowly develop new habits that relate to diet, exercise, sleep and overall lifestyle. The body gradually begins to adapt and lose weight, and with this comes mental satisfaction, which greatly helps pregnancy. Women can also consult a gynaecologist or other expert.






*This article is translated from Czech original to English language by translation agency Marvel, s. r. o.